WebTnA QuickStart
5-minute setup to start using WebTnA
WebTnA is our product to manage Time and Action calendars (TnAs) on the web.
WebTnA was based on the concept of first creating your standard TnA-templates and then reusing them for creating your TnAs. The assumption being that there are standard ways of working which can, to a certain extent, be codified / standardised.
However, real life is often not so structured, with an astonishing amount of exceptions. So, the template approach didn’t work for some companies. A large part of the blame lies with Excel® and the extreme flexibility that it provides. Whatever the reason, we felt that we had to make it easier for users to start using WebTnA and, given time, they would graduate to standardizing their work and using TnA-templates.
So, the concept of a “Quick TnA” was born, where a user can simply enter their key fields for a TnA, like the order number, style etc. and then copy and paste their list of activities with the due dates. This results in shortening the time to start with WebTnA to a mere 5 minutes. Try it yourself, signup at www.axind.com.
The simple act of copying and pasting a few of your TnAs makes the following available to you:
Personal calendars per user, so each user knows exactly what they have to do each day, each week, each month
Daily reminder emails per user, with action buttons to let the user perform actions from the email itself
Dashboards, giving a one-page status of all running TnAs
Scorecards enabling a comparison between different users, teams, vendor, customers etc.
A “live” chat between all users involved in the TnA, from desktop or mobile
A mobile app with dashboards and all TnA information for each person